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IGP Prosperity Co-Laboratories (PROCOLs) bring together citizen-led research, cutting-edge academic research, and collaborative, multi-stakeholder partnerships with communities, government, business and researchers, to develop new forms of knowledge and new ways of working to promote transformative change.

About the Prosperity Co-Laboratories

The IGP has established three Prosperity Co-Labs (PROCOLs) in the UK, Lebanon and Africa, with each one conducting several major research projects.


The research that takes place in these sites provides excellent opportunities for comparative, transdisciplinary research aligned to local needs and stakeholders. We conduct pioneering theoretical, methodological and policy focussed research on the Prosperity Index and prosperity measures, welfare and Universal Basic Services, and debt and Financing Prosperity. 

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Transforming thinking and action for shared prosperity in the UK, through citizen-led research to achieve a sustained shift in public debate, policymaking, investment and community action for shared prosperity.


Key Themes:

  • New metrics of prosperity beyond GDP and economic growth

  • Shared prosperity for the UK

  • Pathways to shared prosperity 

  • Citizen-led research

  • Urban regeneration and prosperity 

  • Universal basic services 

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Research for a prosperous, autonomous and resilient Africa through local partners, by harnessing cutting edge science, community knowledge, astute policy development and participatory research methods to develop smarter, localised understandings of prosperity that can be tailored to communities across Africa.


Key Themes:

  • Environmental degradation

  • Natural prosperity

  • Agricultural practices

  • Resilient Africa

  • Sustainable cities

  • Citizen-led research

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Speeding up transitions to sustainable and prosperous societies in the context of mass displacement, to improve the quality of people’s lives through citizen-led research.


Key Themes:

  • Mass displacement

  • Operationalising and platforming prosperity (data, interventions, policy)

  • Transition pathways for energising green futures

  • Education for transformation

  • Citizen-led research

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Measuring prosperity

The Citizen Prosperity Index has been developed to help decision makers and communities to understand what prosperity means and identify strategies for local action. It is a new way of bringing local priorities to decision-making; it is a method that has been piloted in east London and is now used by teams in Kenya, Tanzania, and Lebanon as part of a larger agenda for developing sustainable ways to improve the quality of life of people throughout the world.   

The UCL Citizen Science Academy

The UCL Citizen Science Academy is an initiative to deliver community-based, practice-led research training to empower communities to lead change through social action and shaping policies that impact their livelihoods.


The Academy’s principles and programmes build on lessons from our citizen social science projects in the UK, Lebanon, Kenya, and Tanzania, as well as the multiple citizen science projects running across various disciplines at UCL.

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Inspiring young entrepreneurs to drive positive change

In 2015, we founded Fast Forward 2030, a global network of impact entrepreneurs focussed on achieving the Sustainanable Development Goals, with regional chapters in the UK, Lebanon and Africa.


Through the networks, we help develop innovative business models that address the causes and consequences of environmental degradation, economic inequality and social injustice.

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